I. Biographical Information
Full Name:
City Name:
- - Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut DC Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Zip Code:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Date of Birth :
City of Birth:
State of Birth:
- - Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut DC Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Highest Education Level:
- - Elementary Secondary College/University
Please select Grade/Years of Education completed:
-- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Social Security Number :
For security reasons, we will contact you to complete the pre-arrangement.
Residence History :
Father's Name:
Father's City of Residence:
Mother's Name:
Mother's City of Residence :
Mother's Maiden Name :
Spouse's Name:
Spouse's Maiden Name :
Survivors' Names and Cities of Residence
Relatives Who Have Preceded You In Death
Your Occupation:
Business Type:
Company Name:
Church Membership :
Lodge or Union Name:
II. Military Record
Veteran :
Yes No
Branch of Service :
None Army Navy Air Force Marines Coast Guard National Guard
Serial Number :
Date Enlisted :
Date of Discharge :
Rank at Discharge :
Location of a Copy of Discharge (DD214) :
Time of Military Service :
Not a Veteran Peacetime World War I World War II Korean War Vietnam War Persian Gulf War
Military Honors at Graveside :
Not a Veteran Yes No
Flag Preference for Service :
None Drape Casket with Flag Folded Flag on Casket
III. Service Preferences
Type of Service :
Chapel Service Church Graveside None
Visitation Hours :
Day Night None
Open for service Closed for service No public viewing
Person in Charge of Arrangements :
Officiating Clergy :
Pallbearers :
Flower Preference :
Music Selection:
No jewelry Give to family Leave jewelry on
Glasses :
No glasses Donate to Lions Club Leave on Give to family
Casket Preference :
Select a Casket Bronze Copper Stainless Steel Steel (sealing) Minimum Metal Mahogany Walnut Cherry Maple Poplar Pine Fiberboard / Veneer
Disposition :
Select Disposition Ground burial Mausoleum Cremation
Outer Container Preference: (for ground burial)
Select a Burial Container Bronze Triune Copper Triune Cameo Rose SST Triune Veteran Venetian Continental Monticello Minimum Grave Liner
Cemetery Name :
Cemetery Location:
The cemetery property is in the name of:
Miscellaneous Notes and Instructions :
Please select one of the options below :
Please send me information on funeral planning
Please contact me to schedule an appointment
Please place my information on file